Greenwood Car Accident Lawyer
The effects of a motor vehicle collision can seriously disrupt your life. Speak with a qualified Greenwood car crash lawyer who can help you obtain the compensation you need to begin moving in the right direction again.
Unfortunately, car crashes are known for causing serious injuries. When you’ve been injured in an automobile wreck, it’s very possible that you’ll need to undergo extensive physical therapy to regain even a portion of your pre-crash abilities.
This will often require an extended amount of time off of work. With mounting medical costs and household expenses that still need to be paid, this lack of income can be truly devastating for your family.
For help, get in touch with a Greenwood car accident lawyer at Kooi Law today. Our firm will fight to secure maximum compensation for your losses so you can spend your time and energy on your recovery.
Who Is Responsible for Your Auto Crash in Greenwood?
Generally speaking, there are three primary parties to examine for blame when investigating the cause of a car accident in Greenwood: the local or state government road authority, the driver of the other involved vehicle, and the vehicle parts manufacturer.
The government may be held responsible for your damages when the safety of the road itself is in question. Road authorities have an obligation to make sure potholes are filled in a timely manner, road construction zones are secured, street signs and lamps are correctly in place, and debris in the road is removed as soon as possible.
More often than not, the driver of the other vehicle will have contributed in some way to the collision. Unsafe driving practices like aggressive driving, driving while fatigued, distracted driving, and drunk driving are common sources of driver negligence.
In addition, automakers are responsible for installing functioning parts and issuing recalls on parts that have been found to be defective. Likewise, technicians who perform routine maintenance on vehicles are required to ensure that the vehicle parts they work on are functioning and installed correctly.
How the Insurance Company Will Handle Your Claim
When you file your car crash claim with the insurance company, you should expect some pushback. Every time an insurance company pays out on a claim, it loses money.
It is not in insurers’ best interest to approve every claim that comes their way. In fact, some insurance adjusters are even known to twist the statements given to them by claimants and policyholders in order to make it appear as though they hold more liability for the accident than they actually do. That can reduce the amount of compensation you’re ultimately awarded.
Your car crash attorney in Greenwood will discuss your case with the insurers on your behalf and do everything possible to protect your settlement.
Speak with a Greenwood Car Accident Attorney
Don’t let insurance companies or anyone else take advantage of you in your time of need. Your knowledgeable lawyer at Kooi Law won’t allow you to settle for less than you deserve.
We are prepared to fight for your right to full compensation. Take advantage of your complimentary claim evaluation today by completing the quick contact form at the bottom of this page or by calling a Greenwood car accident lawyer at our office at (317) 569-1335.